Category: Arts

About the features of art auctions

About the features of art auctions

For representatives of creative professions, collectors, art gallery owners, and patrons, art auctions are a convenient trading platform where it is possible to sell or purchase an item of artistic value. Not all artists arrange exhibitions, while many valuable artifacts have long been in private collections, so it is easier to purchase them through the […]

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Iconic female portraits in painting

Iconic female portraits in painting

At all times, the muse was an elegant, dignified, and indescribably beautiful woman who inspired the world to spin. Most artists, singers, sculptors and representatives of other beauty-appreciating professions were looking for their muse, their inspiration, their platonic love and the conqueror […]

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Five trends of the art market in 2022

Five trends of the art market in 2022

Trends in the art market are changing every day. In 2021, the world economy was actively recovering from the pandemic of 2020 in many areas. Rich people are traditionally the main buyers of art objects. The increase in their incomes during the crisis had a positive impact on the art market, which experienced a surge […]

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